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Does God Exist ? - The Divine Spirit, 96% Proof

Evolution : Darwinism versus Creationism

Towards a Metaphysical Unified Field Theory of Everything  (A Survey of Spiritual Phenomena)

Ancient Astrology and Modern Science :
The Spirit and Modern Physics

Darwinism Embraces Creationism

This discussion follows on from the debate between Creation and Evolution to consider in more detail the gulf between modern science and the world of the spirit.  Recognising where the pronouncements of modern science go beyond knowledge and become dogma and prejudice. Recognising where religion, Christianity in particular, has reacted to fundamentalist science with its own narrow dogmatism.  

Finally we will attempt the middle ground between these entrenched positions, building bridges in a spirit of compromise.   Not diplomatic compromise for its own sake.  The middle ground, on both sides at once, is usually where truth can be found. 

Science properly means ‘knowledge’.  The ancient, vital science of astrology and metaphysics is the oldest, original science.   This page proposes the knowledge of the higher energies, dimensions or spirits within physical matter can marry happily and productively with the latest revelations and speculations of modern sub-atomic physics.  

We discover this most unexpected alliance between bitter rivals, like the star-crossed marriage of Romeo and Juliet, is truly made in Heaven.  The latest theology.   In this union true science, true knowledge, transcends the age-old conflict between spirituality and materialism to bring us a new vision of the universal Spirit, God, Brahman, directing Creation through the miracle of infinitely subtle physical laws.  Physical laws no less binding, no less omniscient, than the iron laws of good and evil.  Both framed to make us better people, to bring us closer to our Creator, closer to our true Selves.


Embracing this natural and spiritual evolution we may yet find fault with so-called Darwinism, hail the Creator yet contest Creationism.  Charles Darwin, after all, remained a Christian and considered his Theory incomplete, requiring further development.  When we recognise the Spirit directing our development from within and from above, we can complete the Theory of Evolution.


Astrology and Science - Eminent Testimony

In a great debate in the 1920s Einstein expressed his objection to the emerging uncertainties in quantum physics with the famous comment, ‘God does not play dice.’   This is doubly remarkable.    At once he affirmed both his belief in a presiding deity, a dimension beyond the physical world, and in the equally traditional belief in fate, destiny, a world determined by a higher power.  The province of astrology as well as religion.  Implicitly also rejecting the classical Darwinist belief in blind chance.<?xml:namespace prefix = o />


It might be thought Einstein conceived of God as some ultimate expression of the wonderland of sub-atomic physics.  In fact he was prepared to recognise higher forces beyond physics.  Yet Einstein, quite naturally, seems to have believed these higher dimensions were completely separate from the physical realm.  It is unlikely he ever considered they might be vital to completing the ‘Unified Theory of Everything’ he worked on for so long.  The idea modern material science can encompass the spiritual realm is virtually unthinkable in our present climate.


If modern science treated its venerable elder brother, metaphysics, the science of the spirits, with more respect, things could have been different and the world a better place.  We shall suggest below the higher dimensions of metaphysics are essential to completing the elusive equations of the physicists.  Metaphysics reveals the physical element is inextricably, seamlessly integrated with the higher ‘spiritual’ elements in its comprehensive scheme of reality.


God could not realistically operate in our world, in our lives, in the way familiar to so many, if His/Her Spirit were completely separate.  Astrology likewise.   And we shall find modern physics desperately needs these higher dimensions to explain the ultimate mysteries of the sub-atomic world.


Ludicrous nonsense ?   

Isaac Newton, generally agreed to be the greatest scientist before Einstein, also believed passionately in God and risked his career at Cambridge because he could not accept the peculiar proposition of the Trinity, convinced there could sensibly be only one sole God.  A dangerously heretical position.  Which, with the benefit of the astrology of the Tree of Life, we can now see to be basically correct.  One Sun, one God, one universal Spirit.  Plus some.  Considerably the largest part of Newton’s library at his death was books on theology (27%); then books on alchemy (10%), which is closely allied to metaphysics.  Physics and astronomy formed almost insignificant sections (3 & 2%).  His biographers testify this roughly reflects the proportion of his time which he actually spent on these subjects. 


However, Newton’s much-quoted defence of astrology does seem to be apocryphal.   His withering riposte, ‘The difference between you and I, Sir, is that I have studied it and you have not,’ perhaps related to theology rather than astrology, still makes a forceful point. The succinct inability to ‘suffer fools gladly.’ Astrology’s critics are not those who have taken time to study it properly, on its own terms, if at all. 


Curiously Newton’s initial interest in cosmology was inspired by a book on astrology.  It dealt with predictive astrology, a notoriously difficult and oft-abused area, and probably fully justified his comment he was ‘soon convinced of the vanity and emptiness of the pretended science of judicial astrology.’  During Newton’s lifetime, however, the famous astrologer, William Lilly, was actually tried (and acquitted) by Parliament for starting the Fire of London because he had predicted it fourteen years earlier.  After his death astrology’s zodiac Signs prominently adorned Newton’s tomb in London’s famous Westminster Abbey. 


C.G. Jung, once Freud’s anointed heir and another pre-eminent scientific pioneer of the twentieth century, has also endorsed astrology in the strongest terms :


‘Astrology is assured of recognition from psychology, without further restrictions, because astrology represents the summation of all the psychological knowledge of antiquity.’


Jung devoted some of his most renowned writings to the study of alchemy.  For Jung alchemy was a rich mine of metaphysical, spiritual psychology, a field closely allied to astrology.  The quotation above indirectly acknowledges Jung’s personal debt to astrology.   He evidently derived the centrepiece of his psychology, the theory of the four psychological types, or functions, directly from astrology.  Jung’s ‘sense, thinking, intuition and feeling,’ translate the psychological experience of the four elements, earth, air, fire and water.  His ‘transcendent function’ is a revealing translation of the unconscious Spirit of the Sun within every heart.


Working in the field of spiritual psychology, Jung is probably the scientist best qualified to judge astrology’s validity and he admits to using it extensively in his theoretical and practical work, often using a horoscope to elucidate a particularly difficult analysis.


We should not be surprised he did not endorse it in more forthright terms.  In the prevailing climate, with his own work by no means universally accepted, an unequivocal statement could have threatened his own position.  Freud was particularly worried how Jung’s interest in astrology would affect his reputation and there is little doubt Jung was well aware of this dangerous prejudice within the scientific community and in the wider intellectual world.  Instead he felt more comfortable writing at length on alchemy which he referred to as ‘astrology’s younger sister.’


Jung never concerned himself with how astrology worked, any more than he did with how religion worked.  He recognised the powerful forces at work and was brave enough to stand against the tide of fashionable ridicule.  Empirical exploration is always wiser in science than deductive dismissal : just test whether it does work rather than insisting it can’t possibly, because we’ve no idea how.  A deductive dismissal presumes absolute knowledge, a tempting, dangerous premise.


It should probably be acknowledged this prejudice is not entirely unfounded.  Astrology from biblical times to the present day has always been open to abuse, just as religion and even science are in different ways, by those who want to use them for their own vanities.  There will always be spurious astrology, spurious religion and spurious science.


There is every evidence astrology is used quite extensively and seriously in our modern world besides its undoubtedly more frivolous application, although there may be legitimate questions about its use even in high finance and the White House of Ronald and Nancy Reagan.   Donald Regan, Treasury Secretary and Chief of Staff in Reagan’s administration, was no fan of astrology’s influence on the First Lady but still observed, ‘It's common knowledge that a large percentage of Wall Street brokers use astrology.’   Possibly they are following the boast of the great turn-of-the century financier J.P. Morgan, ‘Millionaires don't have astrologers, billionaires do.’

Modern Science and the Higher Dimensions 

When I asked Prof. Stephen Hawking, Isaac Newton’s heir as Lucasian Professor of Mathematics at Cambridge, whether he believed there was any possibility of a spiritual dimension beyond the infinite subtleties of sub-atomic physics, he replied that he didn’t like to look into these areas, comparing them to ‘soup’ or ‘porridge.’  He preferred ‘everything to be crystal clear.’ (Freud talked even more emotively about the ‘black tide of the occult.’) This is a long way from any confidence from a top physicist the spiritual realm doesn’t exist.  Rather, ‘It may be there but I don’t want to know, thank you.’   Yet twenty years ago Prof. Hawking boldly predicted physicists were ready to read the mind of God.  Apart from the ‘porridge,’ presumably.

This candid response probably sums up a large part of the prejudice against recognising spiritual realities, astrology and religion, among scientists.   Of course there are also the ‘It’s ridiculous !’ brigade but anyone who has given it a little serious thought wont be so sure.


Investigation of the sub-atomic level has produced an extraordinary vision of reality in which even comparatively simple particles like an electron actually defy definition except as ‘an event in relation to the whole universe.’**  Sounds quite cosmic, almost astrological !


The latest ideas on the nature of ultimate physical reality are far more extraordinary still and yet are beginning to receive respectable acceptance within the scientific community.  Others are not convinced.  These theories certainly make astrology sound down-to-earth and simple by comparison but one begins to wonder whether the physicists aren’t driving themselves a little mad in their determination to explain everything without including the dreaded ‘s’ word : spirit.  They even suspect it themselves.


We also find the great truths of modern science, theories of the nature of matter, have for years been based on unproven ‘faith.’  Ultimately not knowledge, not science …. faith !  Not too different from the basis of religion except it is a faith in something more fashionable.  Physicists will deny this fiercely, no doubt, especially any role for their own human nature ― just like the dogmatic, science-denying priests before them would say it was all God’s Will, nothing to do with their own interests.  One top physicist we’ll meet below, Michael Duff, candidly admits :Physics tends to be dictated by fad and fashion.  There are the gurus who dictate the direction in which new ideas grow.”   Or, in the case of anything metaphysical, spiritual, the direction in which ideas don’t grow, don’t go.


Metaphysics Within Modern Science : Towards a Metaphysical Unified Field Theory of Everything


The extraordinary revelations of sub-atomic physics have forced modern science to come to terms with some extremely challenging facts.  We have seen how physics seems to be approaching, however reluctantly, a realisation matter is ultimately so subtle, so insubstantial, it could be recognised in spiritual terms, as a spirit.  The distinction between solid matter and ethereal spirit has vanished with particles appearing from and disappearing back into the empty void.  One of the most significant discoveries of modern physics is this recognition of ‘empty space’ or the ‘physical vacuum’ as a highly charged, dynamic field of energy, ‘pulsating in endless rhythms of creation and destruction,’** ‘containing the potentiality for all forms of the particle world.’**


This realisation could prepare the way for physics to acknowledge the rest of the family of spirits ― the grubby, tough, immature, rude earth spirit, physical commonsense, growing up fast into an exquisite princess, ready to communicate with her more refined sister, the water spirit, her energetic but sophisticated brothers, the princely air and fire spirits (feeling, thought and intuition not necessarily dependent on the dubious tyranny of ‘material facts.’)

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